5 Easy Steps To Leveraging Your Articles

For example, if you regularly write an article for your ezine, you can get a lot more mileage out of it if you submit it to article directories and other online publishing services. And making every piece you write work more than once for you is one way to work smarter and not harder. That’s called leverage.

There are several reasons why you want to do this. One is to get your name and your business out there so people will learn who you are and what you do, and it helps to position you as an expert. No more keeping yourself a secret and hiding behind your computer! 🙂 Another reason is that your articles give people a taste of your style, what it is that you offer, and it gives them an opportunity to get to know you a bit without risking anything.

At the end of each article include a resource box so if people want to find out more about you and your business, they have that information at their fingertips. Once someone reads your article, if they like your stuff, they will likely visit your website and sign up for your Free Taste (your free offering that gets people on your list). And writing articles is one of the fastest (and FREE) ways to get lots of exposure, especially if a publisher with a large list picks it up!Want to get started? Here are the 4 easy steps:

1. Write the article or recycle one you’ve already written, giving it a fresh edit (it never hurts).

Write or revise an article targeted at your niche that is full of valuable content. A couple of tips: Articles can be anywhere from 400-700 words in length for the best chance of being picked up (if you have a longer article, consider chopping it in half and making it two shorter articles). Also, articles with lists, steps, or mini-chunks of information seem to be the most read.

2. Add your copyright.

Don’t forget to protect your work by adding a copyright. At the end of each article, put a copyright notice with the date of when you first published the article. For example, copyright (or ©) 2007 Alicia M Forest.

3. Write the copy for your author’s box.

After your copyright notice comes what’s usually referred to as the “resource box” or “author’s box.” In order for others to publish your work, ask that they include this information at the end of your article, keeping what you provide in it whole and intact. As this is standard practice, you’ll find most publishers will honor this request.

Write 3-5 lines that entice people to find out more about you by providing the web address to the sign-up page for your Free Taste. You don’t need to use this valuable real estate to promote your business, but do use it to encourage people to join your list by signing up for your ezine or other free offering.

A tip: Again, don’t send your article readers to your home page. Send them to a page set up specifically to add them to your list. For example, say “for more articles like this, please visit www.yourezinepage.com to sign up!”

4. Submit your article.

Although this is one of the most time-consuming marketing tasks, it can be made much simplier by either hiring a VA to do it for you, or using an article submission service. The service I use and recommend is:


There are literally hundreds of websites that offer free content for publishers who are in need of quality articles for their own publications or websites. Here are some of the best ones:






5. Turn it into a blog post and/or podcastIf you have a business blog, be sure to leverage your article by posting it to your blog. Not only will this give you more exposure, it will also increase your search engine traffic because the search engine spiders LOVE blogs and will read and index your blog URL every time you post new content.

If you’re podcasting, use your article as a script to record and offer as a podcast as a way to increase your market reach to the audio learners in your target market.

Bonus step:

If you want to see stronger results from submitting your articles, contact directly those publishers of ezines and websites in your niche. Google publishers of ezines in your target market and then send a query to the editor/owner about submitting an article. Present yourself as a professional and offer your article for their use, provided the resource box remains in tact. Paste your article under your message (attachments can get blocked, and if the receiver doesn’t know you it’s unlikely they will open and read it anyway).

Writing and submitting articles is one of the tried-and-true, if slow-and-steady, ways to build your list, become known as an expert, and offer value to your target market.

© 2007 Alicia M Forest and ClientAbundance.com

Doors For All Seasons}

Doors for All Seasons


Eric SlarkowskiInstalling a new door can make a big difference to the interior or the exterior of a home. If you think that painting your existing door will not improve the door enough for you, then a new door is a wise investment. Many people also replace their doors when they are drafty, badly insulated, or do not fit properly into the door frame. A high quality new door can lower the costs of heating or cooling your home because it probably has better insulation than your old door. Vintage doors are often made of cheap materials like plywood, while today’s doors are better made, although you may end up paying more dearly for them. For instance you can pay five hundred dollars for a new front door, but the door is usually reinforced with metal for safety reasons.

The three kinds of doors are interior doors (which more often than not do not have locks on them), entry doors (extremely sturdy doors with safety measures to keep out burglars and other undesirables), and combination doors such as storm or screen doors. Installing doors is a project that you can probably do by yourself, although sometimes it is a two-person job if the door is especially heavy. Usually one person needs to hold the door up while the second person takes it off its hinges.


Doors can be purely functional, purely decorative, or a little of both. For instance, many people have front or entry doors with decorative windows cut out of them. Stained or marbled glass is a popular addition to front doors with cutouts

. Some people have a front door of solid wood, but then put a decorative storm door outside of that to keep their house well insulated. Then they can leave the solid door open during the day and admire the view through the storm door.

You can usually buy doors in standard sizes for your doorframe. Only rarely will you have to cut them to the right size. If there is a special kind of wood you would like to use however, or want to save yourself some money, you can order wood from a lumberyard to your specifications. Make sure you take precise measurements of the old door before you order.

A new door requires handles a door set. You can buy a kit at a hardware store to install on your door or get a professional to do it. The most important thing to remember when installing your door kit is to make sure everything measures up properly. You need to set your hinges before you drill a hole in your new door. Once you make sure everything is aligned in high fashion, then you can install your door kit. The door should close all the way when you are done, or you have done something wrong. Sometimes you might just have to adjust the screws in the hinges to fix the problem. Other times, you may need to cut a sliver off the door.

Eric Slarkowski is publishing first and foremost for http://www.insidewoodworking.com , a website on the topic of machinery . You can have a look at his

writings on woodworking

over at http://www.insidewoodworking.com .

Article Source:

eArticlesOnline.com }

Is It Dangerous For A Rookie To Build A Solar Panels?}

Is it dangerous for a rookie to build a solar panels?



Kevin Dine

Building a solar panels by your own isn’t an impossible task at all. But I would be lying if I say that the process to build is super easy.

The process in building your own panels can be quite challenging for a novice, especially if you have no familiarity with electronics stuff. However, that is no the end for a newbie if you have the will to learn to build your own solar panels.With the right instructions and guideline, you can build your own panels from a scratch as long as you can follow the instructions that are outlined in good manual kits.The benefit? Of course, it would be a mass reduction on your power bills.The materials that you need for building your panels will cost you below $200, if you know where to shop for the correct parts. You can do some survey around your local hardware for the prices and find the best deals. And make sure that your house has the basic tools as well like screwdrivers, set of pliers, hammer, saw, copper wires and other basic tools. If you don’t have those, get them in your local hardware store before you start your project.The wiring process is the one thing that you should take caution because it is involved with the electricity. But if you are armed with good knowledge and instructions, you can proceed with your project with less worry. These words are not meant to frighten you but just to want impress you that knowledge itself is a power and valuable asset to have. It would be waste of time, money and effort if you are not prepared. In fact, you might got electrocute during your project which it is not good experience.Never ever rely on the free information you found on the Internet. Most of them just plain does not work or just incomplete. You should treat this project as a very serious undertaking. Find a reliable manuals, obtain the right information, armed with it and you will complete your solar panels in no time.It is very satisfying and rewarding project if you done it with your own hand. Your solar panels will save you thousands of dollars in your home energy expenses in the long run. You also can feel good at the same time for taking the part to protect the environment as you are using the green energy.

Before you get any manuals kits or home study course, make sure the whole system was designed by experts that will guide regular non-technical people from the beginning till the end of the project. If you don’t have anything in your particular minds, you can visit my site for recommendation for your home study course.

Click HERE

Article Source:

Is it dangerous for a rookie to build a solar panels?}